Monday, November 29, 2010

Quick Weekend trip to see Grandma Harrison

Dad, Mom and I made a trip to Sudbury to see Grandma Harrison.
Grandma will be 92 in December.

Almost the whole gang...missing Uncle Walter and Auntie Sheila.

Grandma trying to be all cheery for her crazy family that came into visit and made her get out of bed!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The last few hours of our trip...

Sunday afternoon walk along the waters in Oshawa...Martyn, Ben and Julia
On our way back to the airport to get the vehicle...then a 9 + hour drive to Toronto....we love the subways of New York!!!

Friday afternoon street entertainment in Time Square...yep...a rodeo!! Not really like the Stampede...not a lot of hats and wranglers but a lot more cameras!!!

Empire State Building and the views

Sheena and I did a quick tour of Empire State Buiding...amazing views but very windy and chilly!!
View of lower Manhattan...hard to believe that the twin towers were twice as high as some of these buildings and the new towers are going to be just the same.

view of the statue of liberty and ellis island.

view of time square....we stayed down amongst these building at the Manhattan Hotel.

Brooklyn Bridge

In memory of the firefighters..

This wall mural is in memory of all the firefighters that lost their lives in 911...

We were told that 364 lives were lost.

All the names and fire station are noted on the bottom of this mural.

More of our walking ground zero tour...

this is the new tour #1 that has been under construction for 8 years...
the new tour #1 is going to be twice as high as the black building and twice as wide.

Fountain of 11 teardrops....the company in this building lost 11 employees to 911.

each name is mentioned and memories of each person.

some of the constuction around ground zero....thousands of people working on this site...many are family and friends of those lost on Sept 11.

Day 8 - Walking tour of Ground Zero

one piece of steel that was left standing....this cross will be moved into the new memorial center tha is being built.

this church bench was used by many firefighters...they would come and change their boots at least 5 times per day.

This church and graveyard was covered with depris from the 911 attack....the church was still standing and used as a resting location, first aid station for many. To this day there are many pictures, stories and items in the church in rememberance on that day almost 10 years ago.

Day 7 - bike ride through Central Park

Always safety first...especially in Central Park with the hundreds of runners!!!
View of the park from the castle lookout.

Behind the green river is a huge area of bush and natural life...there are places in Manhattan where it can be quiet.

Sorry...wrong picture and now I can not delete it....a ferry that we saw on the night island cruise.

Running track around central park.